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Notes photographies de mariage
1, dans la détermination du salon Robe de Mariée quand vous ne devriez pas aveuglément le culte de la marque des magasins.
Information que vous stockez dans le coup d'une fameuse 2000-3000 dollars sur votre mariage est déjà une dépense très importante, mais avec des magasins de marque, ce peut être le moins cher qu'ils stockent un ensemble de système photographie. Magasin de marque chaque jour, au moins un couple dans le film plus de
2, après la détermination de salon de la mariée, puis de déterminer combien d'argent vous voulez, choisissez un ensemble approprié de lignes de tir.
Hôtesse vous donnera beaucoup de conditions favorables - si vous jour pour prendre des photos, un salon de mariée sont simplement une variété de promotions.
Pour déterminer l'ensemble du système que vous voulez faire avant, il est préférable de demander à leurs propres pré-enregistré ensemble de lignes de vêtements en option zones où il est. Généralement plus grand magasin de meilleure mariage il ya beaucoup de beau mariage, mais les points de rang, etc, ils ont mis votre magasin sera le mariage le plus beau, mais cela peut prendre 10 000 yuans pour un mariage lorsque le la sélection de la noce. Vous voulez choisir un ensemble optionnel de lignes de la gamme de vêtements est ce qui est mieux d'abord à comprendre, pour voir si cette gamme dans votre style préféré. Si non, je vous suggère de changement de série, ou si vous choisissez les vêtements à d'autres régions ainsi que de l'argent.
Tous sont bons, vous choisissez le bon moment (de préférence une matinée fraîche et lumineuse, car il y aura tournage intérieur, la météo est bonne est très important, et un temps très long, le meilleur départ depuis le matin, ou photographié la nuit, vous serez fatigué aller sur le terrain )
3, ne pas dépenser de l'argent sur la beauté de mariée
La nuit devrait être à la maison pour faire quelques traitements de beauté, tels que le masque, autocollants yeux, etc, donc le lendemain pour garder la peau en bon état.
Tir jusqu'à la journée avec un bon nettoyant visage pour se laver soigneusement après l'hydratant émollient, puis la crème de soin de peau. Alors ici, car au salon de mariée avoir quelque chose, mais le magasin pour acheter ce ne sont pas pour votre peau et nous utilisons tous, il vous dira de se sentir en danger, ce qui affecte l'humeur.
En outre, avant le maquillage maquilleuse recommande frottant certains de leurs produits de soins de la peau, produits de soin de peau, ils peuvent négocier.
Une petite bouteille sera 87, une photo abattre au moins quatre bouteilles. Il ne sont pas aussi bons que ceux qui paient de l'argent pour acheter un des produits bons soins de la peau, de faire un autre conditionnement de la peau bien. Et le rôle que le fluide de beauté instantanément si évident, ne savait pas il n'ya pas d'effets secondaires ah. La peau est aussi un bon conditionnement pour leurs investissements Ah beauté. Studio est pour le "une fois dans une vie" à la ruine la constitution psychologique de votre argent.
4, peut exiger chimiques lourds de maquillage ne sont pas satisfaits.
Mariage fois dans une vie, make-up artist peut être lié à la poitrine est un «chef maquilleuse la photographie de mariage boutique de" signer, ne soyez pas intimidé, pour une maquilleuse, vous constaterez que tout le monde est un artiste maquilleur en chef .
Avant que vous pouvez mettre votre maquillage exigences des pauvres peut être ré-orientés, alors vous pouvez demander le remplacement de mauvais artiste de maquillage.
Si vous ou votre femme, je peux la peau, vous vous souvenez, avant de poser sa fondation aussi mince que possible.
De plus, rappelez-vous qu'une couche de pâte requise, comme les faux cils, posté deux trois, je m'assure que les mariés ne sais pas qui.
5, ne pas ajouter de l'argent pour des vêtements haut de gamme, quels vêtements pour sortir, car en fait le même.
Guide Vêtements vous amène à voir de beaux vêtements, et puis vous dire, la vie serait de prendre le temps, qui l'épouse ne voulait pas jolie, vous voyez, nous avons tourné quelques paires sont sélectionnées dans la région de vêtements ... ... et, bien sûr, Elle vous dira dans ce domaine est sélectionné vêtements, quelques centaines de dollars. Entièrement prendre l'appât d'un geste.
Ne vous inquiétez pas pour d'autres personnes et combien d'argent, des vêtements n'est pas le plus important, et, en fait, ils sont conçus chaque vêtement de l'action de tir le plus approprié.
Mariage le plus important, c'est le peuple, un bon maquillage et des vêtements n'est pas très important.
Cependant, vous pouvez aller essayer quelques-unes des zones de tarif haut de gamme vestimentaire. Essayez de ne pas besoin de dépenser de l'argent! Si vous avez l'énergie, vous pouvez avoir votre favori essayez à nouveau.
Notes photos de mariage
La première série sélectionnée de lignes, principalement en raison de différents ensembles de lignes de vêtements différents, à combien de photos, ainsi que les différents maquilleuse et photographe, mais selon mon observation, la photographie, peu importe qui il semble, si ce n'est le plus bas degré, sera Un photographe de Taiwan, maquilleur senior, qui à ce stade pas beaucoup hypocrites nécessaire. Principalement des vêtements plus, plus de style, ils veulent faire plus pour les bonnes photos aussi
Notez le numéro de la deuxième photo, il faut aussi noter que la taille, à la fin combien grande, le nombre de boîtiers cristal, combien de cela, combien de livres chacun en différentes images de l'intérieur est les photos identiques ou différents, que ce cas qui est 22 photos, à la fin de chacun des 22 différents instinct de l'élection, ou deux mêmes images. Ensuite, les photos de chacun des particuliers comment, en principe, est plein de photos de mieux, le meilleur dans ce trois ou quatre de plus de 18 pouces de feuilles de 18 pouces, photo, cela est très impressionnant.
Le troisième a demandé si oui ou non l'emplacement, l'emplacement des photos de beauté plus naturelle, je considérés comme essentiels, les frais de déplacement et autres dépenses à être mis ensemble pour dire bonjour problème de répartition, essayer de lutter selon l'emplacement, pas froid, très romantique. Durée de vie, parce que vous êtes peu probable que l'usure de mariage dans un quartier calme parc deux roches aveugle un temps assez long.
Quatrième prix, le premier a été présenté à vous parler, parler à son marché, il peut être aussi faible que possible pour voir le prix, puis regarder un bon marché d'escompte pour obtenir ma carte, ou couper le prix après le bon marché, bref, à trouver un minimum point de
Cinquième set du département et de certaines choses d'aucune utilité pour vous, comme des invitations de mariage, etc, selon ce que votre situation ne va pas le laisser vous donner pour les photos, n'oubliez pas de demander à chaque grande taille n'est pas bonne pour la décoration, ne pas ce temps pour le film nette, avait à jeter, bref, demander aucun dommage. Des invitations de mariage pour la supplémentaire de 10 pouces pour une boîte de cristal.
S'il vous plaît noter le piège de la suite en fonction de noce
1, le paquet doit être sélectionné sur la base de leur propre budget en 1000-1500. Exemple: Préparer un mariage en fonction de 4000, devrait être choisi dans environ 2500. La raison en est selon le général studio va augmenter après beaucoup de photos pour vous, même si il ne veut pas de super-budget, mais ne pouvait pas supporter de ne pas propre photographie. Et votre point de choses en plus du nombre général de feuilles de différentes choses avec moins chers ou moins le même que le vendeur a déclaré n'ya rien à envoyer à envoyer de telles choses, quand j'ai tourné la Dame est d'envoyer un tas de choses, comme ce que l'eau d'appoint, les amis de gelée, le Royal chariot vous tirer dessus, le chef des amis artiste maquilleur photographe, sont fausses, en fait, le même traitement. Alors, choisissez cher paquets et ensuite choisir la photo, mais beaucoup plus coûteux.
3, prendre les photos, l'ordinateur de studio sélectionné, un par un pour voir, il est difficile de l'élection, nous ne devons pas particulièrement satisfaits du choix difficiles à supprimer (non permanent), ou à votre argent rapidement quand ils sont frits aller. Ne cesse de parler n'est pas un client appelle difficile d'acheter des photos, mais seulement vous montrer trois fois, un peu d'attitude n'est pas difficile si vous est de 50 / feuille, et il est non seulement de graver le CD et ne porte pas dans le livre. Un autre: l'écoute d'un vendeur a dit de l'envoyer à l'envoyer dans le même temps, vous avez à étudier le marché, de nombreux éléments de choses réelles, telles que parler de mariage avec photo heureux avec la pâte, vous pouvez les appeler à envoyer un ou plusieurs multi-cristal photos, ainsi que des coupons Robe de Mariée à louer et similaires, et ainsi de suite.
Concise and simple wedding dress brought Visual enjoyment
Concise and simple wedding dress brought Visual enjoyment
High-end wedding of wedding street in Suzhou in arbitrarily pleased with streaming revealing a distinctive and elegant,bridesmaid dresses, simple and neat design and exquisite hand-made flowers and provide the perfect combination of Pearl, particularly Visual enjoyment.
Matching of small jewelry and wedding dress
Exquisite small jewelry mix appears on the wedding of graceful and restrained beauty. Small hood ornament in the neck at neck and wrists more reveal different aesthetic taste between,Bridal Gowns, as though a picture of a clean and elegant-ink landscape painting.
Face is to choose the wedding must take into account factors
Face is to choose the wedding must take into account factors
Wedding dress with short sleeves for slender arm feel, are also available through other decoration to represent, as in the shoulder is increased by one point lace, more romantic flavor. If your upper arm thicker or wider shoulders,Bridal Gowns, should be carefully considered.
Facial contour of smaller bride how to choose wedding dress
Collar-shoulder wedding can be less to the bride of a soft line role. If you belong to the facial contour smaller bride, may wish to try this collar type of wedding, small face can get hold of, if the face is large it is best not to pick this collar type, also is the wedding dress is more suitable for v-neck.
Bride long face-how to choose wedding dress
Although even the rotator cuff of wedding dress styles are now rare, but an elegant continuous shoulder sleeve wedding dress has a retro aesthetic, more suitable for full face of the bride, as connected with the collar type and form of the arc can shorten the length of the face,Evening Dresses, so long face-bride is fit to wear this type of wedding.
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The 25-year-old married name Charlotte Britain enters the room wearing her wedding dress, bridal wedding dress was delivered by his father. You may not know that this wedding dress has a common history of 99 years. The great grandmother, grandmother, two aunts and mother Charlotte were all wearing the wedding dress on their special day.
When they wear the wedding dress, she is already the sixth to go to the wedding and the wedding hall. Although this legacy has a long history and looks old and worn, Charlotte loves. This cheap wedding dresses drew many people, it is made of silk, organza and beads. It is produced in Hong Kong, and nobody knows how much it costs.
When Charlotte takes her wedding, is the year of 1997, the modern era, and for brides as the mode of the wedding gown, including the famous brand. But Charlotte wedding dress borrowed from her inheritance mother Lucy.
In the year 1910, the great grandmother of Charlotte Pauline she had on, she married her husband, William, who was a doctor in America, and it was not long after their marriage, they emigrated in Great Britain.
In the year 1935, Ruth was the daughter of Pauline, hold her wedding ceremony, Pauline gave her wedding dress on her stepdaughter. She thought this dress was monumental. Ruth wore the wedding dress and happy.
In the year 1958, Jean's daughter, Ruth, this dress again, who wore her grandmother and mother. Five years later, Sally, the younger sister of John, was the prom dresses of her inheritance as marriage.
May 1975,Evening Dresses, Lucy held her wedding ceremony, she was so happy when his friend bought a new wedding dress for her, but she remembered wedding dress to the old, and she quickly took it from his former home of his sister. She took her boyfriend, and wearing evening dresses inheritance on the wedding ceremony.
And all that we believe that girls in this house, this marriage inheritance dress wear continuously, even she could write a book to specifically discuss the history of this wedding dress to the old story of the wives who wore This wedding dress inheritance and photos wives in this dress.
the floor-length style is sophisticated, glamorous and sexy without revealing. some floor-length dresses can also be slots or other sexy features that make it more likely for a less formal occasion. floor length dresses are a great choice for women of any body type. wearing a pair of beautiful wedding, you even more attractive in the big wedding.
相关的主题文章:cocktail dresses
getting married can be one of the greatest moments in your life – and one of the most expensive.
that figure from may scare some, but look on the bright side: for last month’s royal wedding, security alone carried a $33 million price tag. but whether your bridal budget is four figures or eight, there are plenty of ways to shrink the bill while still creating lasting memories. in the video below, money talks news reporter jim robinson shares some ways he cut the cost of his wedding.
1. from venue to vendors, some cities are simply more expensive than others: check out how not to plan a costly wedding for the 20 most expensive cities. of course, moving the wedding elsewhere carries costs of its own, but if you do live in a costly city – think manhattan, where the average wedding costs $70,000 – at least you can be prepared.
2. peak wedding season is from may to september, so move outside that window for better rates. otherwise, book far in advance before the least expensive options fill up.
3. if color and theme are important considerations, remember that flowers are seasonal. if your colors require out-of-season flowers, you’ll pay extra to get them. has a list of what’s in season when.
4. weekend weddings are more popular, so a midweek date may be cheaper for both the venue and hotel rooms.
5. traditional church weddings and hotel ballroom receptions will cost multiples of outdoor venues like public parks and beaches. if you go with an outdoor setting, you may need permits, and you’ll definitely need to watch for restrictions on party size, music, and hours. outdoor venues also require planning for bad weather.
food and alcohol
6. not only is a dinner reception more expensive than lunch, guests will drink more heavily in the evening.
7. an open bar is obviously more expensive than a cash bar, and the longer it’s open, the more it will cost. most reception venues present two or three fixed options
8. as mentioned in the video above, buffet-style is cheaper than formal dining.
9. handling food yourself? buy in bulk at a wholesaler like costco for better prices, and don’t hesitate to ask friends to pitch in.
10. if you insist on a fancy cake, get a small one for the wedding party and a bigger sheet cake for everyone else – it all tastes the same.
11. “wedding dress” is an expensive category of clothing, but whatever the bride wears to the wedding is, by definition, a wedding dress. look at cheap bridesmaid dresses or even non-wedding gowns for better prices.
12. if you want a “real” wedding dress, consider the “like new” option – most are only worn once. sites like sell all kinds at a discount, including designer gowns. family hand-me-downs are another possibility, as are used clothing stores. you may have to pay for some size adjustments or alterations, but the savings could be huge.
13. veils are expensive and unnecessary. spend the money on getting the bride’s hair or makeup done instead.
14. borrowing jewelry and accessories from friends and family saves money and adds sentimental value too.
15. if formal attire is required, don’t automatically assume the men should rent and the women should buy. in a story last year, money talks news founder stacy johnson suggested that it might make more sense to do the opposite: check out formal wear: rent or buy?
16. consider suits for guys. most men already own one, and the focus is on the bride anyway.
17. if there’s one area of the wedding you don’t want to skimp on, this is probably it. as the years go by, visuals are the best way to preserve memories – and you don’t want blurry and poorly lit photos or dizzying, shaky video. get a pro.
18. that doesn’t mean you have to get an expensive pro. prices vary widely, and the best isn’t necessarily the most expensive. ask friends for recommendations,Wedding Dresses, and carefully examine portfolios before signing.
19. if your venue allows it, make your own wedding soundtrack and bring a cd. you don’t need a professional musician or band for what is, after all, a pretty short ceremony.
20. you don’t have to have a dj for the reception either. this is the age of ipods. just rent speakers or make sure a sound system is available.
other stuff
21. as mentioned in the video above, the wedding bouquet can be recycled into reception décor: place it at the head table. and do-it-yourself decorations aren’t as hard or expensive as you might think if there’s time to set them up.
22. when it comes to invitations, make them yourself. the personal touch is less expensive and more meaningful to your guests. and for those guests that are comfortable online, set up a facebook page for both invitations and rsvps.
23. have your venue in mind before you establish your guest list. some desirable settings may not accommodate a bunch of people. on the other side of the coin, some venues may require a minimum number of guests. so decide first where you want to be – then decide how many people to invite.
24. when judging venues, find out whether they can hold the ceremony and reception, or if they offer packages that bundles services like photography, catering, and music into the price (in a cost-effective way).
25. if you have talented friends or family, a wedding is a great time to call in the favors. get your cousin to dj, your aunt to handle floral arrangements, and your new brother-in-law to handle photos – if they’re good at it. wedding help can be a great alternative to gift-giving too: maybe your grandparents’ timeshare weeks for this year become your honeymoon resort.
and if you’re a bit pessimistic about this whole wedding thing, we have is wedding insurance for you? and 3 things you’d better know before living together.
Among so many styles of wedding dresses, is an over-the style is still there in the trend of fashion and never go out of date. How Imply the name, shape A-line wedding dresses that capital letter A. As a simple cut and fluid,robe de mariage, this type of wedding dresses is loved by women of all shapes and ages. It is very popular in the U.S. today.
So what are the key elements that make out is one of many wedding dresses to American fashion?
Year after year,Cheap princess wedding dress remain one of the biggest challenge for the designer wedding gown for her simple style. Raylia Wedding Dresses With Color And a lot of famous people and they vote in their great days.
1. Popularity brought by emerging artists
If you placed an eye on the area of wedding gowns, you may find that no matter underCheap Lace wedding dresses, A-line style is never out of the scene. Not to mention the wedding gowns at low prices, which are often the steps of famous designers. To easily find celebrities in A-line wedding dresses in magazines or on the internet, he said. Most modern women are big fans of branded products. You can choose your own clothes worn by the previous models by their favorite celebrities. It's the same case for the bride wears. Wedding dresses that are worn or published by famous designers or artists, of course, is hot.
2. As a simple style but decorated
Floor-length train or chapel are often associated with A-line wedding gowns. Its very lovely and beautiful for the wives of these flowing dresses. All the girls want and how elegant princess on this special day and a line dresses can fulfill their dreams. Designers often apply too ornaments on it. There is a saying (This is also a cause of the emergence of Claudine Informal Wedding Dresses.)
3. Since both upscale and low-end market
Whatever the market level, you find online Cheap Cocktail Dresses for sale without any difficulty. It allows each girl to take advantage of the affordability of their perfect A-line wedding dress .
Maybe there are other factors. But her A-line wedding dress has never been out of the ordinary. So if you create a classic image of your wedding day. You can buy a A-line style wedding dress.
Beach Attire for Perfect Wedding
Once you have chosen to have your wedding in a beach side, your wedding attire can be anything you desire, but a little less formal apparel would be ideal. This is because the conditions at the beach are usually windy and not the same as if you were in a church setting. You can still opt for very classy and elegant wedding attire. You can play around with all kinds of wedding dress styles and the possibilities are endless.
Windy conditions are almost always found at the beach so remember that this will probably be the case on your special day. Choosing a dress that will be breath taking when the wind blows past it,for wedding dresses, if the wedding dress has been make with some free flowing material. Paying attention to the fabric the dress is made of can make a breath taking picture. Fabric that is not free flowing and heavy in nature will not be appropriate or will look wrong in a beach atmosphere. Also, take into consideration the temperature's predicted for the day. If it will be warm, then a heavy fabric will be out of the question as you will be wanting your beach wedding dress to be as comfortable as it can be for the event. Search for the lighter fabrics for your wedding dress such as satin, silk or chiffon and you will find that there are many others to choose from as well.
A simple elegant and flowing wedding dress will be ideal for the beach wedding, same about a dress that is simple and fitted instead of billowy and busy will make for a more relaxed day. The beach atmosphere and its surroundings are simple in nature so it makes perfect sense to stay within that theme. You will look ravishing on your special day in a slimming elegant fitted beach wedding dress. The sheath or a-line style will be the style you will want to opt for, but there is also the mermaid or trumpet style wedding dress. These styles of dresses will have many variations to choose form and will make for a rather challenging hunt for just the right beach wedding dress. Also, a simple low neckline instead of a high one will eliminate the stuffy feeling. Keep in mind that you are searching for nature, simple and elegant and you should be on your way to finding the perfect beach wedding dress.
Wedding sundresses or beach dresses for the summer weddings on the beach can be anything from the dainty beaded A-line style to a wedding dress that is made in the sheath form. Just remember to pick the dress that will suite the atmosphere and will go along with the theme of your beach wedding, and make sure first of all it is the one that you love. There will be many things you will find to be a must in the dress you chose for a beach wedding. We will now discuss what a beach wedding dress must have in the paragraphs below.
The perfect beach wedding dress will be one that is short in length. If you are opting for a long dress for your sun beach wedding, you must remember that long dresses are usually formal in nature. You can use a long weddingdress in a beach wedding, but it shouldn't have a very long train or long skirt. Current trends have bride's wearing dresses for beach weddings with skirts that are either ankle length or even raised at a much higher length. The dresses that are shorter one will find, will make the beach wedding a much more casual gathering and will keep your hem from becoming dirty, wet or sandy. Look for the wedding dress that will send the vibe that this is a casual and fun occasion at the beach.
Choosing to have your special day on a beach can make an unforgettable and unique wedding indeed. You will have to make the choice of where it will be, but this should be much easier than the beach wedding dress you will choose to wear. The beach wedding just does not usually side well with a long gown with trailing trains, so your choice will be riddled as to what kind of style, what fabric and how long the gown will need to be. Just remember to keep it comfortable and your desired beach wedding dress will be sure and materialize sooner or later.
A marriage is not based on the right wedding dress or the right wedding destination by no means, it is about the two people that are entering into a life of togetherness forever. But that doesn't mean your dress for beach wedding can't have a lot of thought and love put into it. Your wedding dress can be as simple as a beautiful sundress to a designer labeled one, but no matter what you chose, you should feel it is the right one for you and that it should make you feel like a princess for just that reason.
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Scala USA
Prom season is once again upon us, which means it’s time to find this year’s perfect prom dress. Scala USA should be your first and last stop, as our selection of beautiful prom dresses features some of the year’s hottest fashions, including prom dresses inspired by the newest trends in evening dresses.
Prom dresses have always varied greatly in fit and design. Some girls prefer long, ankle-length gowns with a flowing fit, while others may be looking for a shorter, form-fitting skirt. Whether you’re looking for the simple elegance of solid silver or prefer a bold print in bright colors, our 2011 line of prom dresses will have something that suits you perfectly.
Prom dress designs are often inspired by the transition from spring to summer. Bright, cheerful colors are a popular choice, as are fun, flirty cuts. However, classical elegance is also a perennial favorite, with floor-length gowns in sumptuous fabrics being a great choice for many girls. No matter which you choose, a dress from Scala USA is designed to be beautiful and high quality, ensuring a prom dress that lives up to the importance of one of the most memorable events in a girl’s life.
While many think of Prom as a North American tradition,dresses and bridesmaid, many other countries have similar formal dances for students. In the UK, many students look forward to the Leavers’ Ball or School Formal, while in Ireland it may be referred to as the Debutante’s Ball. No matter where the dance is held, though, the focus on formal attire for both boys and girls is a common element.
Of course, prom the only important dance of the year. Each fall, schools around the country celebrate homecoming, a tradition that gives students both past and present a chance to honor their school. The homecoming dance is the first major dance of the year, and our selection of fall-inspired homecoming dresses are sure to be a hit.
Scala USA has a 26 year history of providing beautiful evening wear for all occasions. Our reputation comes from our fabulous selection of colors, designs, fabrication and fits in prom dresses, evening dresses, cocktail dresses and more. As the official sponsor of Miss Universe,dresses for a wedding, Miss USA and Miss Teen USA pageants in the past, our designs have been seen by millions around the world, and our dresses are sold in 74 countries.
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Tips on evening dress ~ ~ Oh girl can not help but know
Evening dress evening dress on the little common sense can not but know the girls ~ ~ Oh celebrity dresses
Concert and Opera House: wear silk dress, not to wear cotton clothes bunt. In addition to considerations on the art of the atmosphere, there is a reason: silk fibers most reasonable reflection of the music, let the music was more Zhuyuanyurun.
Friends Wedding: For unmarried persons, the participation friends wedding is a wonderful opportunity to meet friends the same age. Work is as packed in such occasions, being too rigid and unable to reflect the unique aspect of your personality. Evening dress will enable you to be the most flamboyant Peiqia day.
Business Reception: The reception, regardless of size, if not specifically marked to be in civilian clothes, and be sure to wear evening dress to show your attention. Of course, if the subject of pre-reception is not that grand, but a "Gathering Party", do not confused like a Hollywood star general. Long to the knee dress skirt,Bridal Gowns, you may better reflect the frank and young.
Restaurant attached to hotel dining: on this occasion, wine and atmosphere more than the number of dishes to give an unforgettable impression. Having a few in a friendly atmosphere, the elegant atmosphere of evening dress will be a reconciliation agent.
Apply the principle of the body
Body and dress:
Delicate petite person - for the waist, yarn surface, waist discount dress, body modification ratio. Should avoid too fluffy skirt, pants, shoulder sleeve design should avoid overly exaggerated; the upper body can be more change, waist proposed micro low rise with V-design, to increase the slender sense.
Tall person - natural coat hanger, the dress of any style can be trying, especially Baoshen fishtail hem of the wedding was better show appearance.
Plump figure who - for straight line cutting, wear more slender. Lace flowers should use a thin flat lace, high-necked style is not optional; waist skirt design should avoid complicated.
Skin and dress:
White type: select color pink dress, avoid red, black velvet, the color is too thick, otherwise significant incongruity.
Healthy dark: select light-colored lines to match the image of health and background color. We should avoid pink dress, otherwise they will be covered with dark complexion.
Yellow color: yellow skin color to be seen less, why not choose the middle of the color of the dress. Unless the same good face shape, the general should avoid too complicated dress.
Dress Tips
1 black and never out of date
Overhangs to fashionable dress, of course, the subject of clothing is best to combine color and fashion colors. If no time to dress chic selection of styles, it simply could not only buy a simple style --- black, open-collar, sleeveless, simple and subtle, never out of date. Then fine detail to point eyes. Increasing the height of exquisite shawls embroidered with fringed leather slippers, ladies can show the old style of lethargy; rose pink suede handbags plus coral necklace, and show romance.
2 decided to fashion accessories
The total does not always appear the same face, right? This requires that the details and spend more effort. A gorgeous shawl, shining necklace, a pair of dazzling earrings, a delicate bracelet, are ordinary clothing to choose the easy way to convert a small dress. Scarves, hair ... ... is the introduction of avant-garde elements of the carrier can best reflect your level of fashion, we must spend much, but also to the pursuit of alternative, do not follow the crowd. But remember to wear, the cut are not complete, and be sure to refinement. Bags of style must be complete, to cater for different occasions.
3 vest very useful trend
Temporary work, and the boss suddenly to inform you that night with him to participate in an important reception. Nature can not go home and change, are also a set of temporary street repairing? At this point a little vest is the best helper. European designers introduced a day-night dual gorgeous little vest. Buy one with beads, embroidery, a small flash material vest, coat worn during the day, the scenery is not remarkable; night take off his jacket, sexy, luxurious atmosphere immediately apparent. As for the color thing, like a little eye-catching optional red, powder Chromic, subtle and the optional black, gray --- to ensure that the boss will not let you dress rolling his eyes.
4 are installed with the most easy way out
Thai long emerald green vest, or dressed in a qipao --- seemingly random, but it must be the new darling of party or reception. Are installed with the Heat for several years, now fueled by unexpectedly showing momentum, as long as with a nice, one can access are installed with a variety of formal occasions. Of course, are installed with the taste to want to wear clothing, but also by the recount. Are installed with the best imitation of a taboo, may alternative ways to improve, in particular, in line with its own temperament, this is the most important thing.
5 reject all cartoon
Not a fancy dress party dress occasions, it is inappropriate childish play --- It is almost law. After all, the avant-garde and classical, is completely different.
Basic color dress
Black - black ice people, mysterious, elegant feel, while filling a woman sexy character. If more changes in style, be bright or decorative, such as hollow lace on the skirt, a decorative floral fabric, a different kind of shawl ... ... you can immediately break the sense of dignified black too, so that women lovely.
White - white evening gown, elegant and noble temperament, but a symbol of female snow-white quality. Usually bright evening dress decorated with star-studded at night can make it, flash fabric, folds, lace, sequins, or precious stones, dazzling.
Red - passionate red, red dress Gengrang women look charming. Bright red, will burn throughout the night. Therefore, you can add in the red lotus leaf fabric to balance the impact of red, people have become soft, sweet and more.
Fancy - Fancy dress refused to single dress: bright color to be colorful, to be novel and unique decoration. Lotus leaf, lace, beads, continuous but changing the shape of flowers, parties were elegant and fashionable.
Evening dress with
Jewelry: optional pearl, sapphire, emerald, diamond high-quality accessories, can also choose to man-made gems.
Shoes: Multi-loop with high-heeled sandals or modification of fine and strong, and affordable dress high heels, if the toes exposed, you have to with the face, hand embellished by make-up synchronization.
Package: ingenious and more choice of patent leather, soft leather, velvet, gold and silver blended material, with mosaic, embroidery, and other technology combined series is made of gorgeous, romantic, sophisticated, decency is a common feature of the package taking Evening.
Introduction dress examples
Sleeveless dress slits: my legs and chest can choose not ideal for such a dress, try to select high-end fashion fabrics, such as animal stripe fabric, silk fabrics, such as flood, in order to add gorgeous look. Important: use a high collar, sleeveless style concave shoulder digging,wedding gowns, or appear too homely.
Suspenders silk skirt: as dress, it maximizes the performance of a person's fresh, clean and vitality. Style to the easiest. Fabric color, the flowers are subtropical mystery and passion, look noble and mysterious black and green are prominent in the quiet shy temperament. Highlights: Dress and coat the tape a short dress, evening wear, the more finer taste, and if the width of more than 7 mm, on a nondescript.
Chinese clothing + Straight Skirt slits: fabric with oriental charm, made straight after the body of Chinese clothing dress with slits in the classical above the temperament to build a unique space. Red or bright blue as the main Chinese-style clothing, has a background in the magnificent Great Vulgar and Elegant atmosphere.
Important: this is more suitable for mature women Ling-hui.
Body harness shorts + silk trousers straight: Although 90% of the women's dress to skirt appear, but the personality and thus establish the trousers up. More or less can take low-cut style harness, halter style, fabric black, green, gold and silver is appropriate, loose-fitting pants and shorts can take the color of the same color, so easy to balance. Important: Be sure to wear stiletto heels, or just a casual a little decent.
Reference Information: http://www.cindybridal.eu/